What's in a business name?

Project Complete logo

Why Project Complete?

A little story of choosing a name for my business....

In 2015 when I was deciding what to call my business, I initially thought of using my name. I had just come out of the corporate world and in my last job at AstraZeneca there was 4 Karen Taylor's!!

I thought how would anybody remember another Karen Taylor? So I decided against using my name.

​At the time I was doing mainly project management for small businesses, so I decided on the name 'Project Complete'.

Roll on 4 years and I now feel that 'Project Complete' no longer works for me and I do very little project management work. All my work is now as a Business Mentor and I've outgrown the name 'Project Complete'.

So I'm changing my business name and having a rebrand!!! I'm very excited and hope you will all like the changes and feel it is more relevant.

Drum roll!!!

I'm excited to announce that my new business name is:
'Karen - Your Business Mentor'
Here is my new branding, hope you like it? A big thanks to Anna VDF Creative for bringing it alive.

Karen Your Business Mentor log

​Why 'Karen - Your Business Mentor'?

I thought you might be interested in hearing how I got from ‘Project Complete’ to ‘Karen - Your Business Mentor’?

At the beginning of the year I started to feel that the name ‘Project Complete’ wasn’t working for me, that I’d changed and had outgrown it. I thought people might think ‘Project Complete’, why’s Karen’s business called that, it doesn’t make sense!

So I decided I need a new business name but I hadn’t a clue what.

Then in February I went to a branding workshop and I told a couple of people that I was thinking of changing my business name and did they have any ideas?

They said 2 things...
1. That your business is all about you, you and your strong personality is the business.
2. You are known as Karen and you are a business mentor

So I thought that’s it, keep it simple and just say what it is!

By the time I met with Anna VDF Creative in April, I was playing around in my head with 3 names:
- Karen, Business Mentor
- Karen, The Business Mentor
- Karen, Your Business Mentor

​When I asked Anna what she thought, straight away she said ‘Karen - Your Business Mentor’ because it’s more personal.

So that was my new business name decided, job done, Project Complete!

Karen Taylor

Karen is a Business Mentor, Website Creator and book author specialising in female owned independent business owners.


5th Business Birthday


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